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With over 15 years' experience of supplying and servicing mobility and rehabilitation equipment and goods Olford Care Services (OCS) was established in 2014 in Southend on Sea, Essex. Being able to offer an extremely high level of personal customer service is a priority for OCS - we strive to maintain excellent relationships not only with our customers but also our suppliers, ensuring needs are met appropriately and without delay.


OCS is the appointed dealer based in Essex able to offer the specialist range of pressure relieving seating from CareFlex Ltd. This company produces specialist seating designed for comfort, pressure relief, posture control and independence. They are committed to offering the best possible posture and pressure management seating solutions. Please click here to view further information about CareFlex. 


We supply, commission and service a wide range of goods including electric profiling beds, active and static pressure reducing mattresses, bedding, configural shower/commode chairs (Freeway), wheelchairs, slings and hoists, rise/recline armchairs as well as all other mobility and rehabilitation equipment, including small aids and incontinence goods. Please visit our Products page for further information. 


Treating service users with respect and dignity whilst ensuring their needs are met are a priority for OCS and we are happy to discuss requirements with service users, their families and staff, as well as carrying out joint assessments with Occupational Therapists or other healthcare professionals.


Please contact us to discuss any needs you may have or to arrange an assessment.



VAT Registration Number: 204 7432 35


Certain items are eligible for zero-rating, provided the goods are:

  • Purchased by a disabled person for personal or domestic use

  • Purchased by a registered charity and made available to disabled persons for personal or domestic use


If the above applies, please ask for an eligibility declaration form (VAT reliefs for disabled people - eligibility declaration by a disabled person). The form must be signed at the time of placing an order.


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