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CareFlex - Specialist Seating
What is Specialist Seating?

CareFlex Seating Levels
CareFlex have classified specialist seating into three levels, based on a user's level of need and the complexity of the chair required.
Mild - HydroCare
• For circumstances where sitting is the primary posture throughout the day
• Assistance may be needed for the user to rise to standing and/or to change position
• Primary goals include comfort, independence and energy management
• Simple but supportive, offering security and stability to optimise function for activities of daily living
• Easily tailored to fit the user’s seat height, depth and width requirements to promote comfort
• Integral pressure management to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers as a result of immobility
Moderate - HydroTilt, HydroTilt XL, SmartSeat
• For situations where support is needed to manage the user’s posture and pressure care needs whilst maintaining comfort, function and interaction
• Posture may be more challenging and additional support may be needed to correct or accommodate body segments
• Primary goals include postural support, pressure redistribution and stability
• Robust and adaptable, comfortably supporting the user’s posture to complete activities of daily living and to interact with their environment
• Simple and safe to operate encouraging regular repositioning either independently or with support
• Integral pressure management to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers as a result of prolonged and/or abnormal postures
Complex - HydroFlex, SmartSeat Pro
• For cases where posture is at risk of significant decline without support as a result of the user’s disability, injury or illness
• Total support required to prevent or delay postural deterioration, encourage optimum physiological function and improve their health and wellbeing
• Primary goals include safety, postural support and optimum pressure management
• Fully adjustable and highly flexible to correct or accommodate complex postures
• Safely supports the user to engage in everyday life and improve their quality of life
• Integral pressure management to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers as a result of asymmetrical postures and unequal loading of tissues